Review contracts faster and more efficiently
Import contracts directly from your Clio account
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Review contracts in half the time by automatically identifying key provisions
  • Rapidly identify 150+ of the most common clauses in your contracts
  • Create contract summaries in an instant
  • Easily train Diligen to find provisions unique to your firm
Reduce risk by surfacing clauses hidden in your contracts
  • Quickly identify key language within large batches of contracts
  • See what is most important highlighted in the original document
  • Reduce human error with machine learning assisted review
Improve collaboration and streamline contract review
  • Sort documents automatically by type or provision
  • Assign contracts to team members for review
  • Comment and monitor contract review status
"Contract review can be a tedious and time consuming task that stifles the productivity of even the best lawyers. The simplicity of using Diligen and Clio together to automate contract review has helped us streamline our practice and operate like a modern law firm while ensuring the security of our clients files is maintained."
Kimberly Bennett, Founder & Attorney - K Bennett Law LLC
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