Diligen for Box

May 14, 2019
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Diligen, the Toronto-based award winning machine learning software for contract review, is now available within the popular Box enterprise content management platform.

With Diligen for Box, legal professionals and anyone tasked with straightforward or complex contract review and due diligence, can leverage Diligen’s AI and machine learning capabilities to identify provisions in contracts from within their Box account, faster and more efficiently.

The Diligen for Box integration will enable users to:

  • Easily drag and drop files into a Box folder to be processed by Diligen
  • View documents with key clause language extracted and displayed alongside the page
  • Automatically identify over 200 different provision types across the areas of M&A due diligence, lease review, tax and finance, LIBOR and confidentiality.
Diligen and Box Skills: AI-Powered Contract Review

Box Skills is a framework that applies best-of-breed AI technologies like Diligen to content within the Box cloud content management platform.

For Box legal clients with documents stored within Box, the Diligen integration means instant insight into their legal contracts, making it faster and more efficient to find specific clauses and provisions. From within the Box environment, users can select to have certain contracts analysed by Diligen to see specific key language automatically identified within the contract. Users will be able to quickly see, for example, all term, termination, assignment or change of control language in their contracts summarized alongside the page, saving time searching for important language dispersed throughout documents.

Want to get more technical? Click here to see how to use Diligen contract analysis within Box. And, click here to navigate the process of initially connecting your Diligen and Box accounts.

According to Box.com, more than 41 million users and 85,000 businesses—including 69% of the Fortune 500—trust Box to securely and collaboratively manage content in the cloud. And, according to ILTA’s 2018 Technology Survey, 13% of surveyed firms are leveraging Box for large file transfers and hosted file sharing. This 5% increase in Box adoption since 2016, signifies one of the highest growth rates within the three year period.

More Resources

Box blog post: Diligen and Box Skills: AI-Powered Contract Review

Diligen for Box app

Learn how the Diligen Box Skill can improve your legal teams’ productivity, efficiency, workflow and compliance when it comes to contract review. Email info@diligen.com for more information.